Posts by Rikke Berg Thomsen
48 Swipeable Cart Abandonment Subject Lines from Top E-Commerce Brands
Cart abandonment is an e-tailers worst nightmare. You likely already know that sending cart abandonment emails to recover lost revenue is crucial. But with an overcrowded inbox, how do you ensure
Scarcity Marketing: 6 Innovative Tactics You Need to Know (+ Examples)
It’s no secret: Scarcity marketing works. People always want what they can’t have because they think the grass is greener on the other side. Many marketers are already using scarcity in their email
Optimize Your Checkout with These 12 Simple (But Overlooked) Conversion Tactics
The most important part of your website is your checkout. It’s the place where prospects become customers (read: it’s where you make money). But creating a seamless checkout experience isn’t always
Visual Marketing 101: How to Seduce Email Subscribers with Visual Content
Did you know that humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish Shocking, right? In Microsoft’s study of the human attention span, they found that we only have an attention span of about eight
Man Crates Marketing: How to Turn $1,000 into $10+ Million (Case Study)
I think we can all agree that finding and buying gifts for men is tough. Another pair of socks, or a new gadget they’ll never use, just doesn’t get them excited. Jon Beekman recognized this problem
How Two Surfers Turned a Pair of Vintage Sunglasses into a Two-Million Dollar Business (Case Study)
In November 2009, Tom Stewart went on a surfing trip in Australia and bought a pair of vintage sunglasses. Little did he know that, two and a half years later, those sunglasses and his love for the
How to Collect 28.83% More Emails With Content Upgrades
Content upgrades. You know they work. You’ve read countless posts about content upgrade ideas and how to create them … But do they work for YOU? We’ve experimented a lot with our content upgrade
How We Increased Our Email Engagement by Telling Stories (Case Study)
Our inboxes are more crowded than ever. Brands are blasting emails out like never before because someone (it might have been us) told them that email marketing is the most effective marketing
How to Write Engaging SaaS Onboarding Emails (+ Templates)
When we first started with email automation, we had no idea what we were doing. And this was the look on our faces when we saw the results of our first email onboarding workflow: Truth be told, our

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