Post First Purchase Series

You just made a purchase. Yay! Now use this email series to thank your new customers, welcome them to the fam, and tell them what to expect from your emails.

Why You Should Create a Post First Purchase Series

The moments after someone makes a purchase from you are rather critical. This campaign makes the most of on them by thanking your new customer as well as welcoming and introducing them to your brand. It’s similar to a welcome campaign, except these are already customers. The goal here is a repeat purchase.

How to Write a Post First Purchase Series

The first email in your series is a simple thank you. Use the product blocks to automatically recommend additional products to your customers based on what they purchased. This is also a great place to encourage customers to follow you on social media platforms. 

The second email in your series is a great place to put answers to the questions you get asked most frequently. What’s your shipping process? Return policy? Warranty info? Put it here. 

The third email is where you can request product reviews and solicit customer feedback if you choose. 

What to Include In Your Post First Purchase Series

  • Brand colors and imagery
  • Additional products they may be interested in
  • Links to your social media pages
  • A request for a product review

Post First Purchase Series Mistakes to Avoid

  • Asking for a review before they’ve received or had a chance to use the product
  • Not setting expectations about shipping or store policies

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