Abandoned Cart Series

Abandoned carts happen for many reasons. Maybe your customer spilled mustard on their keyboards. Maybe they simply saw their total and changed their minds. Regardless of the reason, there are things you can do to help recover lost revenue and save abandoned carts.

Why You Should Create an Abandoned Cart Series

Every year, customers abandon a staggering number (we’re talking 75% or more) of their shopping carts without making a purchase. Recovering those carts means recovering the associated revenue and strengthening customer loyalty.

How to Write an Abandoned Cart Series

An abandoned cart series should include 2-3 emails at a minimum. Use these emails to remind customers about what they left behind. You won’t hold their items forever, so make sure they know this is a limited-time deal. 

With Drip’s abandoned product blocks, your customers’ abandoned carts automatically show up in their inboxes within an hour of being left behind. 

What to Include In Your Abandoned Cart Series

  • Brand colors and imagery
  • The products the customer abandoned
  • A link to take customers back to their carts
  • Copy that conveys a sense of urgency

Abandoned Cart Series Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not sending the first email within an hour of cart abandonment
  • Only sending one email
  • Not testing and refining your abandoned cart strategy

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